About us

Our firm is an independent Hungarian law firm, providing client-focused services covering the full spectrum of the economic sector.

Our senior staff has over 15 years of experience and extensive expertise in providing efficient and user-friendly business solutions to legal, tax and accounting issues. That is why we are able to provide complex services to our clients, Hungarian and multinational companies, as well as other legal entities and individuals, in almost all areas of economic, commercial and civil law.

Our wider team includes attorneys, lawyers and paralegals, as well as economists, auditors, tax advisers and accounting experts.

Through our ever-expanding international relationships, we are able to effectively support our clients not only in their domestic but in their cross-border and foreign transactions as well, and also our foreign clients in their Hungarian investment activities and expansion. We work in English and German in addition to Hungarian, as required, and this includes tax advisory and accounting services.

Our consultancy services are always personalized, we focus on the specific problems and needs of our clients.

In our work, we strive to come to know our clients as well as the case at hand, in order to be able to provide them with comprehensive responses before they even pose their questions. This way, our business-oriented approach and innovative solutions create continuous added value for our clients.

We believe that our team members can perform at their best and fulfil their potential when they are able to work in the most suitable environment and circumstances, and when talent is matched with professional experience and enthusiasm. This allows us to select – in agreement with the client – the most appropriate staff member for the case of a given client in order to ensure effective cooperation based on sympathy and empathy.

We have always taken particular care in keeping abreast of developments and changes in the economy and the law, and to extend our knowledge to a high level of understanding and application of innovative legal solutions. In recent years, we have developed considerable experience in handling cases concerning investment funds, private equity funds and trusts, including the relating tax and accounting issues.

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