Emőke Pettendi


Our auditor colleague, Emőke Pettendi has been a member of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors since 1998 and has performed the audits of numerous companies since then. Her clients include domestic and market-leading international company groups from various fields such as mining, agriculture, construction, manufacturing, hospitality, retail, wholesale, online trading, craft, pharmaceutical, service, consulting, development, and other industries.

Emőke is committed to working in an innovative, technologically advanced, paperless and therefore environmentally friendly way. Her main focus is on Fiduciary Asset Management. She organizes monthly workshops on her own initiative with the attendance of a growing group of professionals to ensure that she has up-to-date, current knowledge on this legal structure, which is still fairly new in Hungary.

In addition to the general annual statutory audits, she has carried out numerous corporate restructurings, consolidations and assessments of contribution in kind. Since she works with an accounting department of 25 people, she can easily tackle new challenges and tasks.

She regularly participates in professional trainings, and also has outstanding knowledge in the field of Environmental Product Fees. From 2012 she studied in Austria for 5 years, and got acquainted with Austrian tax law, taxation and accounting practices. Here she became a Certified Accountant.

Due to this background she works for numerous leading Hungarian market participating interests of parent companies operating in German-speaking countries where she can apply her legal and tax knowledge in both languages.

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